Hello Blogland,
If you read my last blog post, you'll remember that I was saying how I would try to be more on top of writing and updating here. Clearly, that didn't happen. I don't even know why. I just didn't feel like writing anything. I could give you some excuses like I was busy with work, or I was going out with my friends all the time... but they would be lies. Not real lies (I actually was busy with work and friends), but just lame excuses as to why I couldn't sit down and write a few paragraphs. There really is no reason for it except that I just didn't feel like it. That's about it. I just didn't feel like it.
That is how I felt about blogging all summer. I just couldn't bring myself to sit down and write, even if I had nothing to do!
The really crazy part is that I genuinely like blogging. I'm not a very chatty person IRL but I love writing here. I love having a space where I can say whatever I want, whenever I want. I love sharing things with you guys, even if it's something silly or goofy that probably doesn't make a difference in your day, but it makes a difference in mine. Trying to think of ideas, taking pictures of random things in case I can use it to blog about later... I was having so much fun with it. That's why it's so crazy that I just up and stopped.
But no more! I'm going to make a real effort to get back at it and stay at it. With dreary winter coming, it will hopefully give me something to be excited about because, lesbehonest, who doesn't need a pick-me-up in winter?! Unless of course, you live somewhere that has beautiful weather all year round, in which case I am so insanely jealous.
So stay tuned because I've got some ideas up my sleeve that you will hopefully find as interesting as I do!